Calm Down, Dumbo! Formally Dressed Baby Elephant 'Embarrasses' Mommy & Daddy by Splashing Around

Hundreds of elephants in southern India and Sri Lanka are domesticated by temple authorities for festival processions and ceremonies. Despite the formal, spiritual environment, the youngest of the pachyderms often remain mischievous beings, even when decorated with ornaments.

Fully decked up in extravagant garb, an elephant couple in an Indian temple watch as their little one goes crazy with a tub of water kept aside for ceremonies.

The baby, born on 1 July this year, went berserk when encountering the water. The parents watched the baby, as if embarrassed over its mischievous antics. The adorable baby, 'Trunky', was also made to wear the golden headgear, and brought to the temple with his parents to participate in religious ceremonies.
