Enigmatic 'Structure' With 'Human-Like Face On It' Spotted on Surface of Venus by UFO Hunter

Scott C. Waring has a history of making claims about allegedly discovering signs of alien presence while studying various archive photos and digital maps.

Having previously made a number of bold claims about phenomena he allegedly discovered on Mars, Scott C. Waring, prolific blogger and UFO hunter extraordinaire, has recently set his sights on another planet in our Solar system, Venus, where he claims to have spotted "structures".

As Waring explained in a blog post, he made this discovery while browsing "a new planetary map", adding that one of the "structures" he spotted appears to be "over 5 miles across".

​The conspiracy theorist also claimed that one of the features he discovered appears to have a "human-like face on it", describing it as "a chubby little guy with curly hair and a cigar in his mouth".

"How can I be sure these are structures you may ask? I have been doing this since 1976 when I was first to discover the face at Cydonia, Mars", Waring boasted. "Experience over decades builds up".
