No Hope For Joint Efforts by Both Parties to Improve Economy Ahead of US Elections, Analyst Claims

Hot debate between Democrats and Republicans over a new round of federal pandemic aid has been ongoing for several months, as both parties face vast differences in priorities and proposals.

After the bipartisan congressional coronavirus relief package that was presented to and signed by US President Donald Trump in March ran out in late spring, new stimulus measures have been discussed by the two parties.

The sides continue to disagree on priorities, with Republicans attempting to reduce spending, while Democrats insist on much wider funding, seeking at least $2.5 trillion and a continuation to the broad-based cash relief for US citizens. Among the differences between the proposals are disagreements on Republican-backed tax cuts and additional funding for the US Postal Service sought by Democrats.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that he and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had agreed to a continuing resolution, expressing hope that progress would be made on the legislation “by the end of the week". If Congress does not pass a bill by the end of the month, government funding will expire.

While the US is dealing with the economic fallout of the pandemic amid the government's failure to hammer out a new coronavirus relief bill, Sputnik spoke to pundit Tom Luongo, a geopolitical analyst and publisher of the Patreon-supported Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter, on the possibilities of the two parties striking a deal and putting aside their political differences to improve the nation's economy.

Sputnik: How likely is it that representatives from both parties will be able to agree on a bill within the week?

Tom Luongo: Not likely, but this game always plays out this way in DC. They wait until the last minute and then there is a massive cave by one side. Usually, it is the Republicans that fold. This time, if there is an agreement, it will be the Democrats who fold, because Trump and company have done a very credible job of blaming them for holding back help.

That said, this time it may be different. The divide in Washington is deep with Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling Congressional Republicans “domestic enemies of the State”. She may just pick this hill to die on hoping it can cause a deep and chaotic stock market crash. There is a real desperation on the part of leading Democrats and it’s leading them to throw everything at the wall in the hope that something will stick to President Trump in the minds of voters.

The details of what they disagree on at this point is less important than that they won’t agree. Pelosi and Schumer have staked out positions that are unacceptable to Republicans, asking not just for the moon but also explicit guarantees that their bankrupt and corrupt states like New York, Illinois and California are bailed out instead of focusing the support on the people this time around. Trump has fired up both his base and a lot of swing voters with his intransigence on critical race theory, refusing Federal aid to Minneapolis and exposing the venality of local mayors in Chicago, Portland and Atlanta.

Both sides always over-ask purely to posture to their respective bases while trying to claim the moral high ground. I don’t think Pelosi has a leg to stand on given that Trump will just spend the money he has in his checking account, around $1.7 trillion, under emergency measures and his previously issued Executive Orders. While he’s loathe to do this, he can, will and should. Pelosi is terrified of Americans getting another $3000 check from Trump on the eve of the

Sputnik: Can we hope that both parties will put aside their political squabbles and start rebuilding
the economy before the presidential election?

Tom Luongo: In a word. No. The Democrats’ strategy is to wreak as much havoc and destruction on the US economy as possible and blame it on Trump. So, they won’t cave even though they are increasingly thin political ice. Their only hope, as I wrote recently, is to foment violence and hope for Trump to over-react and set the stage for a false flag which turns the American people against him.

There is a strong undercurrent in the US that Trump is the only reasonable choice after four years of the Democrats acting like babies over losing the election. There is a real danger for them to lose this election the same way Labour got trounced in last year’s general election because they were seen as the ones obstinately refusing to implement the will of the people. Americans elected Trump to drain the swamp, end Obamacare and rein in a corrupt Congress. Their histrionics which lead them to oppose everything he does has led them to the brink of their own destruction.

Sputnik: How likely is it that Democrats will agree to a proposal from the Republicans to cut
financial aid? (According to some reports, there are polls that indicate Trump's rating is growing, the economy is improving, and unemployment is falling).

Tom Luongo: The Democrats still believe that their long-term survival lies with poisoning the American youth to the point where their Marxist cultural revolution is inevitable. Therefore, they will never willingly give up anything that lessens their control over the educational system in the US and financial aid to students is one of these pillars of control. It is nothing more than investing in lifelong voters with taxpayer money. Trump’s poll numbers are good. The internals, by racial sub-category, put him in the driver’s seat for the election.

Biden cannot win most of the battleground states if Trump holds more than 15% of blacks and 25% of Hispanics. This is why Biden is coming out against the violence. In my opinion, it won’t work at all. Their entire strategy is focused on getting people to blame Trump and that isn’t working, now all they have is rearguard actions to shore up the places they are supposed to win to retain the House and challenge the election of voter fraud and mail-in ballots to delay certification.

What’s pathetic is that the lawyers and judges will decide this election, not the voters. But this is exactly what the oligarchy I call The Davos Crowd wants, an end to pesky things like public opinion, democracy and empowered people.
