'Hyperbole or Mental Decline?' Netizens Mock Joe Biden For Saying 200 Million Died From COVID-19

Mixing up Iraq with Iran, confusing former British Prime Minister Theresa May with Margaret Thatcher and promising to put 720 million US women back into workforce when the entire population of the United States is only 321 million, it seems no politician has made more gaffes than Democrat Joe Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is no stranger to making gaffes and mistakes, but this one, it seems, will make it into the list of the most embarrassing. During his speech at a campaign event at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, the 77-year-old touched on the issue of the coronavirus in the United States and criticised how the Trump administration had dealt with outbreak. Biden said: "200 million have died [from coronavirus] probably by the time I finish this talk."

​According to John Hopkins University, at the time of writing the death toll from coronavirus in the United States stands at more than 199,500, while the global death toll stands at more than 960,700.

Biden’s gaffe quickly went viral, with social media users mocking the Democrat for an embarrassing mistake with which he "killed" more than two-thirds of the population in the United States.

​Others compared Biden to Marvel villain Thanos and said that 200 million Americans are likely to die from another cause…

​Many users joked that there is no need for an election and questioned Biden’s mental health.

​Many netizens expressed concern about how Biden will communicate with foreign leaders if he wins in upcoming election. and believed Biden’s scenario may come true if he becomes president.

​Others criticised Biden’s family for letting him run for president and questioned whether the Democratic presidential candidate is helping Trump win re-election.

​Joe Biden has made numerous gaffes over his career. In 2008 when he was running for president, Biden asked State Senator Chuck Graham to stand up, forgetting that Graham has been confined to a wheelchair since the age of 16. In 2019 Biden probably made one of his most embarrassing gaffes when he said that "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids".
