Battle of Waterloo in Animal Kingdom: United Buffaloes Outgun the Lions’ Pride

Captioned “Battle of Waterloo for lions... United buffalo herd outgunning the lions' pride", Indian Forest Service officer Susanta Nanda has retweeted the video from another Twitter user named Erik Solheim who shared the footage from Nairobi National Park, Kenya.

We may have seen lions making buffaloes run for their life. But what if the reverse happens? This 1.04-minute video which has gone viral shows a herd of buffaloes running towards the relaxing lions and will leave you splitting your sides.

A pride of lions can be seen basking in the sun when suddenly the buffaloes begin charging them, making the lazy lions panic and run for their life.

Praising the power of unity, one user commented, "Looks like the scene from Lion King," another wrote, "Love this herd. Attitude".
