About Time They Listened to Us!

Are the decent silent majority of the UK finally going to be heard and listened to? I ask the question because there has been a few bits of amazing news this week amongst all the doom and gloom of COVID, and the pathetic way in which Boris and the establishment class have dealt with it.

That news is that Lawrence Fox is trying to set up a new political party backed by millions of pounds. Rumours also abound that Nigel Farage is planning a comeback, which would also shake up the status quo.

These two developments combined with the suggestion that Boris is considering putting two right of centre figures in charge of OFCOM and the BBC have sent the Westminster bubble into a tailspin.

Then the icing on the cake has to be the tremendous news that the best political interviewer in British politics and broadcasting Andrew Neil is launching a properly funded TV news channel to rival the bias of Sky and the BBC.

Of course, as per usual the BBC and the uber-liberals that infest the political and broadcasting are interpreting all of these announcements as a lurch to the right or even the far right.

It is nothing of the sort, it is merely a rebalancing of how politics and political coverage has been too much skewed to the Cultural Marxist, Common Purpose agenda, the woke manifesto so to speak, rather than a reflection of what the majority of the UK actually think and are concerned about.

When Did it Become Wrong to be RIGHT?

You only have to cite the evidence that we voted Boris in with a majority of 80, Trump was elected, and despite ‘operation fear’ the UK population voted for Brexit against the wishes of the political class, big business, the Bank of England and, of course, even Barrack Obama.

Then we only need to look at the evidence of how Black Lives Matter, both the organisation and the slogan were universally accepted as the truth by broadcasters like the BBC and Sky News.

Of course, I believe that black lives matter just as any rational person does but I do not believe the Marxists behind the organisation who wish to defund the police and effectively hate our very way of life.

Compare and contrast the way that the BLM protest was policed with the anti-mask march this weekend? One was treated with kid gloves, the other with a police iron fist. I will allow you to decide which was which!

Laurence Fox’s new party, Reclaim aims to do exactly what it says on the tin, or in its title, and “reclaim” British values from politicians, who he says have “lost touch with the people.” Who can argue with that desire? Certainly not me.

However, despite how much dosh Fox has behind him he won’t get any real traction whilst the media is so institutionally biased against anyone who is slightly to the right of Owen Jones. 

That is why I and he should welcome the stories this weekend that Boris is thinking of putting Nigel Dacre into the chair of OFCOM and Charles Moore as chairman of the BBC.

Boris is obviously having a bit of a jape as even I’m not sure these two would be great appointments as neither have real broadcast experience but the basic message under Boris’ wind up is correct: these organisations cannot have another lefty luvvie in charge.

I actually think that Andrew Neil would have made a great BBC Chairman but the BBC couldn’t even manage to keep him as their chief political interviewer.

However, Andrew has bounced back and announced the launch of his own new fully funded TV news outfit, GB news, which promises to be aimed at those who feel “underserved and unheard.”

Sounds good to me! Both of the level of another voice in the MSM but also as another nail in the coffin of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

Inevitably, the BBC are hitting back supported by the Guardian who are trying to spin the launch as a Fox News style show, which of course it is not.

It should be another platform which will give a chance for real political debate and views to be aired without the usual woke London-centric twist.

With the launch of this channel and the proposed channel from Rupert Murdoch’s stable, we may, at last, get a real political debate on TV.

Bring it on!

If we did get a right of centre chair of the BBC and OFCOM this would also rebalance the bias all of which would give Laurence at least the chance to let his views heard.

However, I also believe for Fox to succeed he needs to look to join up with the likes of Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party and others like David Kurten who has just launched his own party too.

But what we really need in both politics and news is some bloody common sense.

AUOB Organiser Demands 'Home-Grown' IndyRef2 at Demonstration Outside Scotland's BBC Headquarters
Do you think we would have had the ridiculous decisions on pub closing time and the hypocrisy of the House of Commons bars still being allowed to be open if we had some normal people who had lived a bit in the commons and in the TV newsrooms?  Another embarrassing U-turn performed today!

Likewise, the ridiculous decision to send kids back to University which is inevitably going to lead to another U-turn might never have happened either.

Poll after poll shows that the British public have lost faith with both its politicians and the established news outlets, especially the BBC, so the time is right for a revolution in both areas and I say it BRING IT ON!
