Deadly Passion: Man Dies From Heart Attack at Orgy After Mixing Viagra, Erection Cream

Friends of the deceased have said that they hold such sex parties every month, but this time the 44-year-old looked tired after sexual intercourse. “He came to our suite and just slept on the couch while we partied - we thought he was just tired”, said a friend.

A man in Thailand died from a heart attack at a sex orgy after taking a crazy cocktail of Viagra, erection cream, drugs and alcohol, reported the Sun newspaper. Police officers that arrived at the scene found several bottles of whiskey, multiple cans of beer and lots of food as well as two unknown pills. Friends of the 44-year-old said they have held such sex parties every month. 

Police said they do not treat the death as suspicious, however, spokesman Namasphong Madha noted that the man's death is "embarrassing" for the family as they "did not know that" he had been attending such parties.
