Cool Cat Shows Off Skateboarding Skills

Yeti, a 4-month-old Himalayan cat living it up in Canada’s Vancouver, recently proved that it's not only cool bulldogs that can acquire the skills needed to ride on a skateboard.

Video shared by licensor ViralHog shows the young feline jumping atop the board while giving himself a quick boost. Ready to ride, the calm and collected cat cooly glides across the room into the hallway as his humans look on in shock.

“I skateboard frequently and sometimes mess around with my skateboard in our apartment,” Yeti’s human told the outlet in a statement. “Yeti's fascination with the board led him to start using the skateboard as a cat toy, where he would roll from either side of our apartment.”

“There was no guidance needed as he picked it up naturally," they added.

Watch out world, the next Tony Hawk of the animal kingdom is coming.
