Winter is Coming: Monkeys Meet for Group Snuggle to Beat the Chill

Monkeys are known to gang up on passers-by and steal their food and belongings, but they also make people laugh.

A video of a gang of monkeys cuddling each other in the middle of the street to beat the chilly weather has gone viral, garnering over 20,800 views. 

​Posted by Indian Forest Service officer Susanta Nanda on Thursday, this 11-second video clip on Twitter has captured the imagination of netizens, who are coming up with their own funny interpretations of the scene. Nanda describes it as if a village meeting is going on.

While one netizen wrote, “High-level meeting is going on to decide who will be the next CM (Chief Minister) of Bihar,” another lamented “And when I cuddle with people to stay warm, they call me gay.”

A third responded “The astonishing fact is that none of the monkeys in the group responded or reacted to the person taking the video. Just too calm and peaceful.”
