Give Them Some Privacy! Tortoises Trying to Mate Busted by Goat and Pigs

With a whooping 385,573 views, the recent video of tortoises not enjoying any privacy while mating has gone viral and left viewers in laughter.

You would have thought that if you carry your house on your back, you'd at least never have trouble finding a room in which to enjoy a bit of privacy. But in a five-second video clip, two tortoises can be seen getting busted by a little goat and two pigs while trying to have a little fun together.

While the goat climbs on top of the tortoise, the two pigs sniff them curiously trying to figure out what they've been up to.  

Posted under the Instagram handle of Biologival.home on 14 November, the video has prompted some funny reactions from netizens. 

One wrote, "The little goat and pig thought the turtle was trying to harm another turtle", and another commented, "The other animals are trying to figure out why those two rocks are stacked up like that."

