Damn You, 2020! US Centres For Disease Control and Prevention Thinks Zombie Apocalypse is Possible

The agency's guidelines for such an apocalypse were written by Rear Admiral Ali S. Khan, who has been leading the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response since 2010. It was released almost a decade ago, but discovered by the media only now.

US Centres for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) has a plan for a zombie apocalypse. Yes, you read that correctly. The gory events that you have seen in countless movies are apparently not only a product of the imagination of Hollywood writers, but something the CDC deems may happen in reality. Knock on wood.

According to the guideline, titled "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse", the most important thing is to assemble an emergency kit, which, among other things, includes:

  • water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • food, mostly non-perishable items that one eats regularly;
  • tools and supplies such as knives, duct tape, battery-powered radio;
  • sanitation and hygiene (soap, towels, etc.);
  • a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
  • important documents such as driver’s license and passport.
  • first aid supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane.

Sputnik's team would also advise that you purchase several flamethrowers, chainsaws, and machetes.

Ali S. Khan, the author of the guidelines, notes that the emergency kit would not only be useful during a zombie apocalypse, but in other difficult situations like earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and a pandemic.

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After assembling the emergency kit, writes Dr Khan, one needs to come up with an emergency plan – where to go when an apocalypse starts and who to inform when zombies show up at your door.

According to Khan, one should not be afraid if such an event occurs, as the CDC is ready for the challenge. First, the federal agency would provide "technical assistance" to cities, states, and international partners dealing with a "zombie infestation".

Then, Dr Khan writes, the CDC would start an investigation in order to determine the source of the infestation, learn how the infection is transmitted (via bites, Einstein!), how to break the cycle of transmission, as well as how to treat people who have become zombies (presumably without killing them).


