All About the Nut? Fluffy Hamster Looks Inspired by Film Ice Age's Squirrel in Cute Video

You must be familiar with the fact that several species of animals, especially smaller ones, have a habit of storing food ahead of the winter season. The reason is, during the snowy season these species go into hibernation so they make sure they stock up enough food to sustain them throughout the cold months.

Well, genetic habits seldom die. Hamsters, who make for popular pet choices among kids, are one of those tiny animal species that like to store food.

On an Instagram page dedicated to a pet hamster, the owner posted videos of this little furry baby running here and there with a walnut in its mouth – just like that iconic animated squirrel from the famous "Ice Age" movie franchise.

According to the caption of the video posted in Chinese, the hamster was trying to hide its treat inside a drawer but fails to do so and gives up.

The video will melt your heart – take a look.
