Meet the Real Fantastic Mr Fox and His Clever Ploy to Escape From a Well

It's no secret that foxes are renowned for their quick thinking - and with good reason. In a recent video which has gone viral, a fox's clever trick to get itself rescued from a well has left netizens open-mouthed in admiration.

In a 32-second video clip shared on Twitter by Susanta Nanda - an officer from the Indian Forest Service (IFS) - a fox can be seen getting stuck after it falls into a deep well. Despite its valiant attempts to regain its freedom and its impressively springy jumps, it achieves nothing.

Did we say nothing? That's not quite the case because the fox manages to get itself noticed. A man comes to its rescue and puts a long rope into the well so that the fox can grab it. After several failed attempts with its high jumps, the fox works out that it needs to hang on to the rope with its teeth and walks its way up the well's wall as the man pulls it out.

With more than 11,500 views, the video has astonished everyone not just with how high the fox can jump but also the cleverness by which it succeeds in getting rescued.

"Wow! Look at the height he could jump even without a prop Ok hand," the original viewer commented.