Om Nom Nom! Watch and Listen as Cute Groundhog Loudly Feasts on Apple

Some of the biggest foodies and herbivorous animals, groundhogs love to munch on every fruit and vegetable they get. One such video of an adorable critter loudly gorging on an apple will leave you wanting to watch it over and over again.

In a 20-second video clip, a groundhog can be seen enjoying a treat and making loud chomp-chomp sounds as it binges on an apple given to it by a human friend.

Posted on the Instagram handle Groundhog Love, the video has got over 88,096 views.

Giving a funny take on it, the video was captioned, “The guy who sits next to you at the movie theatre (sound on)”.

One netizen commented, "The only loud eater I'd put up with", ahile another wrote, "What an elegant lad, such beautiful manners, truly a lord".
