Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

New US President Joe Biden confirmed his promise to tackle climate change as he announced the US would be returning to the Paris Accord. Former US Army Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett explained, how Biden's policies will affect the US economy, warning that the new administration will exaggerate the climate issues to rule the country.

Sputnik: President Biden has claimed that the US "can't wait any longer" and "desperately needs a unified national response to the climate crisis". So how imminent is the threat?

Scott Bennett: No, absolutely not, and Joe Biden knows this. He, like most leftists, tyrants, and democrats, thinks he can transform climate change into a political club with which to beat the American public and businesses into submission. Scientifically speaking, the idea of climate change has always been utterly ridiculous and fraudulent, and devoid of any real data or truthful analysis.

Contrary to the screaming scientists in academia and government jobs who desperately flagellate themselves with fantastical numbers in an attempt to appear virtuous, self-sacrificing, and hungry for additional funding, the simple fact is that the world's temperature has actually fallen in the past 100 years and, contrary to maniacal assumptions, not risen.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

This nullifies the notion that the industrial revolution has warmed the Earth's atmosphere to intolerable levels.

The opposite is true, and in fact no connection to human manufacturing activity has been established, leaving the climate change phenomenon — if it even exists — to the mystery of nature and the rhythms of the universe (solar flares, ocean currents, gravitational forces, etc).

In America, the high priests of this false religion are the Leftist-Democrats, and they are desperately trying to translate climate change into all kinds of despotic political agendas, educational brainwashing, religious dogma, and economic slavery, in order to seize power and control people.

Anyone who even doubts or disagrees with the impending annihilation of climate change is instantly attacked, de-platformed, and destroyed —sometimes literally — as a homicidal-homophobic-white supremacist-misogynistic-religious fanatic, hypocritical though that may sound.

Ironically, the climate change leftist-democrats do this not for the benefit of the planet or the various species on it - or even for the future of their children - but rather to satisfy a deep lust to keep others in submission and obedience, and gratify a secret, insatiable desire to become their own Gods.

The same blind fanaticism is unfolding around the mask-wearing mysticism of COVID-19, but that's another story. 

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

The Biden Administration and its allies of Democrat-leftist-globalists are continually saying, often through sad and fearful children pleading for some kind of spiritual deliverance, that we only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind; and that we have to decarbonise the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behavior once more into harmony with nature.

Despite the poetic, self-aggrandizing rhetoric implicit in their characterisation of the climate issue, it remains an issue completely detached from measurable and quantifiable human activity, and therefore arrogantly and blindly to declare that humanity must force change, is dangerous, if not destructive, and is also strangely reminiscent of the “Tower of Babel” agenda which led to humanity’s original disintegration in the first place.

Sputnik: Is the timing of any significance here?

Scott Bennett: Despite Joe Biden's personal difficulty remembering which way is up — largely because of his increasing dementia and mental disintegration — his administration and the Democrats in Congress will no doubt use the climate change issue as an excuse for developing and implementing fascist police-state executive orders and policies designed to increase their power by silencing and controlling their opponents and critics, and expanding their political base.

This can already be seen in the Biden Administration's "expanding circle" strategy in which they first artificially generate fake protests using CIA-FBI informants and actors dressed as Trump supporters, then shut-down and fence-in Washington DC using the excuse of "fear of domestic terrorism", and then issue "hunt, imprison, or destroy" orders against all Americans who appear to represent or support or tolerate Donald Trump's conservative Republican platform.

The fatal mistake of the Biden Administration is that they irredeemably believe that the 70 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and who indeed believe that the American Presidential election on 3 November 2020, was fraudulently and criminally manipulated and stolen using computer software vote changing, illegal voters, and fake ballots (among other things), will simply and suddenly forget all of this and bow down and surrender all of their deeply held, sacred spiritual beliefs and values, and allow themselves to be "de-radicalised and re-educated" by sadistic and vengeful Democrats.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

In fact, the opposite will most likely come to pass, and the American people will refuse and reject, and defend against any acts or orders that appear intended to punish, intimidate, belittle, torture, traumatise, or dehumanise Americans who voted against Joe Biden.

Essentially, this means the other issues and problems and emergencies in the world, such as international conflicts and political stability and military arms treaties will be left unattended and of little interest. This, of course, creates a vacuum that other nations can exploit and develop to their own advantage.

President Biden is desperate to distract Americans away from the investigations currently underway that are examining the allegations of foreign interference and fraud in the 3 November presidential election, as well as Biden’s connections to the Chinese Communist Party, and numerous bribery and corruption allegations in which his son, Hunter Biden, is the main culprit.

For this main reason, Joe Biden is inventing an existential crisis out of climate change theory to create an excuse for a deluge of executive orders, global agreements and treaties, and fundamentally transforming America. The reason for this strange urgency is simple: Biden fears that Americans may overthrow him when they discover all the facts.

Essentially, there is a great deal of suspicion among the American public - and indeed the world - that Joe Biden’s presidential election was the result of a multidimensional fraud that consisted of 1) mail-in ballots justified by the Covid-19 Chinese virus, 2) Chinese Communist Party-purchased Dominion voting machines with software that manipulated the election numbers to a pre-determined percentage, 3) fake ballots transported into vote-counting polls to reflect the fake computer manipulations of the numbers, and 4) delusional Democrats, fake Republicans, and a mainstream media that was hysterical and obsessed with removing Donald Trump by any means necessary.

The Supreme Court also seemed to play a passive-aggressive role by abandoning its constitutional duty to rule on controversies between the states - and nothing is more controversial than evidence of a corrupted election of a person controlled and bribed by foreign nations.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

Of course the implication of this election is that those nations and people supporting Joe Biden are going to attempt to control, dominate, brainwash, imprison, or destroy anyone who supported Donald Trump, and erase every political act of Donald Trump.

We see this already with Biden’s executive orders to stop the border wall construction, subjugate America to the Paris Climate Treaty, assist foreign people to invade America illegally and grant them citizenship to vote, and morally destroy Americans through a fascist transgender-homosexual agenda to indoctrinate the population.

All of these actions may of course ignite a civil war in America.

As a result of the overwhelming evidence, we can clearly see that Joe Biden and his handlers are paranoid that Americans will increasingly view the election as a fraud, and that, as a result, Biden will have no lawful power or legitimacy; and therefore no word, order, policy, or instruction from Joe Biden or his representatives will have any authority, power, or legitimacy, and should not be accepted or obeyed in any way. To do so would clearly be an act of treason.

So, for this reason the Biden Administration is frantically rushing to sign as many executive orders as possible, before this inevitable conclusion arrives like a comet striking the earth.

Sputnik: How much of a strain does this new climate agenda put on US economy?

Scott Bennett: We can already see the effects of the Biden Administration's Executive Orders shutting down or drastically restricting certain industries and jobs, in the name of "climate change protection".

The climate change orders already signed, despite being challenged in court as unconstitutional, will drastically reduce jobs, trade, and expansion of certain industries suspected or branded dangerous to the climate - including the petroleum, natural gas, coal, forestry, and other energy-related businesses. Farming and food production, and vehicle industries, will also suffer.

Next will come the same kinds of Obama-era special deals and government contracts to "new energy" companies specialising, or claiming to specialise, in windmills, solar panels, and other alternative and experimental forms of energy and food and socio-economic development.

Of course, with these new government special contracts, will come the same kinds of special - and illegal - financial kickbacks that Joe Biden has become accustomed to receiving under the table from his son Hunter, China, and other investors in his corruption.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

Contrary to the dream of creating a futuristic utopian society overflowing with blissful drugs, transgender superfluidity, technological distractions, and religious annihilation, the real impact of the Biden administration’s pathology to elevate climate worship above all other considerations will inevitably lead to increased unemployment, bankruptcies, criminal prosecution of businesses, and the transference of America’s energy industries to other, less self-sacrificing - or perhaps saner - nations.

This will lead to social and political unrest, and perhaps even civil war.

On a political level, in America “climate change” has morphed from a pseudo-science into a new hypnosis to control people, using fear and guilt. If it weren’t so tragic it would be comical that climate change has devolved into the new doomsday religion of the West and apocalyptic excuse for imprisoning the populations and lobotomising the economies of these nations.

Indeed America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, and much of Scandinavia have fallen into a sort of “schizophrenic Stockholm-Syndrome” regarding climate change. As a result of this self-induced hypnosis concerning climate change, people are susceptible to various forms of mass-manipulation that encourage the lowering of living standards as a kind of self-sacrifice for future planetary benefit and longevity. However the real reason is the depletion of the world’s population to 500 million, as described by various globalist groups such as the Georgia Guidestones, and the Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and George Soros organisations.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

The Biden Administration, like many other globalists, international political and business leaders, are obsessed with imposing dramatic global changes, and are using terms such as the “Great Reset”, “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the call to “Build Back Better” which the Biden Administration prefers. US Green New Deal and the EU European Green Deal are all part of it.

The most striking fact about the agenda of the Great Reset is that it is being advanced by the same giga-rich plutocrat families responsible for the flaws of the present world economic model. They have ruined nature with their Roundup glyphosate and toxic pesticides, ruined the air quality in our cities by the transportation models they force on us, and created the “free market” model of globalisation that has ruined the industrial base of the United States and the industrial EU nations.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

Now, as they blame us for the alleged catastrophic emission of CO2, we’re being conditioned to accept guilt and be punished in order to “save the next generation” by making climate change the new religion, bugs and dirt our future food, and self-loathing and social distancing the new normal for Greta and friends. Thankfully, this will fail spectacularly, as the world wakes up and shakes loose from the dementia which has become Joe Biden’s chronic state of mind.

Sputnik: Can we expect further expansion of the climate change agenda under this Administration? 

Scott Bennett: Most likely, the Biden Administration will try and follow a dizzying and frantic high-speed deployment of special executive orders and emergency policies to implement all kinds of secret deals, emergency restrictions, and police powers to expand the Democrat power base in America, and appease China.

A common strategy of typical Leftist-Democrats and fascists is to create an emergency in order to exploit it for political power.

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

Democrats always try to trigger a sense of life-threatening, Earth-destroying urgency around their issues, to silence and threaten sceptics and brand any kind of scrutiny unpatriotic and a threat to national security.

So, essentially Democrats create conditions of national emergency to create emergency powers, and then endlessly expand these national emergency powers by evolving problems into imminent dangers.
