Mexican Skydivers Perform Insane Drop From Sky Directly Over Egyptian Pyramids - Video

According to the skydivers, more people have climbed Mount Everest than jumped over Giza – and breathtaking footage of the leap reveals that it is truly a sight to behold!

A group of skydivers has performed an incredible stunt, jumping directly over the Pyramids of Giza from the sky. Mexican Yair Gallardo and his team were granted permission to jump at the historic site, capturing epic footage of the drop.

"This was the most exciting experience of my life", the skydiver said. "More people have reached the summit of Everest than jumped over Giza. I have a checkmark on my heart". Gallardo went on to say, "I believe that you have to enjoy your learning process and be grateful with the new things that you learn each day, no matter how small they are".