Amazon Changes App Icon Following Comparisons to Hitler Mustache

The company initially announced a rebranding in January, presenting, among other features, a new logo for its app: a box with blue packing tape on top and a traditional Amazon “smile.”

Amazon has silently altered its app logo in a bid to make it less problematic, as some customers have found the previous design somewhat controversial.

The previous logo was supposed to “spark anticipation, excitement, and joy when customers start their shopping journey on their phone.”

However, what the company did not predict was its resemblance to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, particularly, his moustache, which many customers have found uncomfortable.

On the new version of the icon, the ragged blue tape – the origin of the customers’ discomfort – was replaced with a two-tone folded one to exclude any possible associations with the dictator’s facial hair.

Now, instead of Hitler, the new logo reminds some customers of Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
