Netizens Slam Pastor Who Said Women Should Strive to Look Like 'Epic Trophy Wife' Melania Trump

According to US media, the pastor is now on leave from First General Baptist Church and has stepped down from the position of moderator of the upcoming General Association of General Baptists meeting. His church also said that the clergyman is seeking professional counselling.

An American pastor has sparked outrage after a video of his sermon went viral. In a short clip, Stewart-Allen Clark called on women to lose weight and use makeup in order to keep their husbands' attention. As an example, the clergyman spoke about former First Lady Melania Trump, whom he described as an "epic trophy wife".

"Now look, I’m not saying every woman can be the epic, epic trophy wife of all time like Melania Trump. I’m not saying that at all. Most women can’t be trophy wives, but you know, maybe you’re a participation trophy. I don’t know, but all I can say is not everybody looks like that. Amen! Not everybody looks like that. But you don’t need to look like a butch either", the pastor said during a speech.

Social media users were left incensed after seeing the video, with some accusing him of sexism.

"He fails to use Bible verses to back up his nonsense. He objectifies women, antagonizes them, and practices sexism, all while acting like it’s hip or cool", wrote one user.

Other netizens contended that men like the pastor should follow the same rules.

​Many users criticised the clergyman for using the term "trophy wife".

Some said that the former first lady is far from being an ideal wife.

Still others agreed with the clergyman.
