Sold That! Watch Logan Paul Going Down in a Splendid Stunner from Kevin Owens

WWE’s annual Wrestlemania has seen some unexpected wins and losses this year – and some of those who took a fall were not even the ones competing.

YouTuber-turned professional boxer Logan Paul probably didn’t expect that his guest appearance at a Kevin Owens-Sami Zayn wrestling bout would end on the ground but that’s how hectic things got at Wrestlemania 37.

When Paul, who came to the match as Zayn’s “guest of honour”, entered the ring – some may say foolishly – in a bid to call the match in Owens' favour after he defeated his former pal Zayn, the latter one didn’t take things easy. Frustrated Zayn tried to take out the anger on Paul but the YouTuber was stoic.

Paul confidently raised Owen’s hand in a claimed victory but things didn’t end there. In an unexpected turn of events, the Canadian wrestler kicked the smiling blogger and brought him down in a marvellous stunner. Now the WWE crowd cheered as they seemingly didn’t enjoy the man’s intervention in the bout.

At least they respected Paul for taking the fall with dignity:
