Mark the Crook: Watch Car Owner Pouring Gasoline on Thieves Trying to Steal His Car

Well, this video is sure to be a warning to all wannabe thieves to be cautious, particularly around people filling up their cars with gasoline, because it turns out the refueling pistol can prove to be as frightening as an actual gun.

Hunters become hunted, an amusing video on how to fight off a carjacking appeared under that title in the vast spaces of Reddit in the subreddit "JusticeServed."

The CCTV video of unknown date or origin shows a customer at a gas station filling up his car with diesel or gasoline when he is approached by a white van. Three hooded men leap out at him as the van parks next to his car at high speed, in what could be interpreted as an assault or robbery.

However, the quick-witted consumer takes action and sprays them with gasoline to keep himself safe, and the car, of course.

Within seconds, two of the three robbers are covered in inflammable liquid, and seem to be bewildered. One attempts to get around the back of the car and into the driver's seat as the other two attempt to escape, but the car owner fights back and hoses him down as well.

The would-be robbers do manage to flee the scene, despite the driver spraying them with gasoline as they flee.

At that very moment the footage ends, so we don't know what ultimately happened to the car owner, or whether the unsuccessful thieves were ultimately caught.

Redditers tried to determine the location of where the incident was filmed, with some speculating that it could be Chile or even Saudi Arabia.

Many users reacted to the video, with one claiming that spraying the fuel was more about "sending a message" to the thieves than causing damage. Another person suggested that spraying the van with gasoline would make it easier for the authorities to identify it.

Some even made a reference to the famous "Jitterbug" gas station scene from the comedy hit Zoolander, released in 2001, as it was "a harmless gasoline fight."