Turkish authorities have detained several Ukrainian models because they were taking part in a nude photoshoot, Ukrainian media reported citing Telegram channel Pavlovsky News. According to one of the detained models, the photoshoot was carried out on a yacht at sea to avoid the public gaze. However, she claims that a person sailing on another yacht managed to take pictures of them, which later went viral in Turkey.
After that, law enforcement officers detained the models. One of them complained that police officers questioned her and colleagues for almost a day, but later released them. The model said she couldn't understand how such a thing is still possible in the 21st century.
She advised girls who want to take part in a nude photoshoot in a Muslim country, to exercise extreme caution and never tag a location on social media.
Public nudity is deemed unacceptable in Turkey, but according to swimwear brand Pour Moi, which created a map for topless sunbathing, there are unofficial nudist beaches in Turkey and some tourists have been spotted sunbathing topless.