Elon Musk Shares 'Special Link' to Watch His Saturday Guest Appearance on SNL 'Outside USA'

Elon Musk is set to host Saturday Night Live today, 8 May. The founder of SpaceX and Tesla will be joined by pop singer Miley Cyrus, and the forthcoming appearance has both fans and haters of Musk excited and intrigued.

Hours before his appearance as guest host on Saturday Night Live, Elon Musk, purportedly the richest human on Earth, shared what he said was a "special link" to watch the show "outside USA".

The link takes the users to the YouTube channel of Saturday Night Live, where a live-stream of the Musk-hosted show will be available online.

The Tesla founder did not elaborate on what was "special" about the link.

Musk is set to be joined by pop singer Miley Cyrus, and a promo clip of the show released earlier in the week has hyped interest, even though many called Musk's performance in the bit "robotic" and slammed him for "overacting".

​While the hyper-billionaire's hosting is expected by many to impact the meme-based cryptocurrency dogecoin, his musical co-host, Cyrus, shared a funny video of how she hears Musk's explanation of his favourite crypto.

​The SNL episode is scheduled to begin at 11:30 PM ET (around 3:30 GMT).
