Happy Together: Farmer and Cow Enjoy a Sunday Jaunt

Joar Berge calls himself a "farm animal ambassador" and a "cow whisperer". He is the co-founder of an animal sanctuary in Germany and has more than 80,000 followers on his Instagram account, Moustache Farmer.

A video shared last month shows Berge skipping gaily along the lane with a four-legged friend. Interestingly, the cow repeats her owner’s movements and looks as happy as he does.

This cow frequently appears in Berge's Instagram posts along with other animals - pigs, horses, hens, goats, sheep, donkeys, ponies. Berge refers to his interaction with his pets as "cowfulness" and "pigfulness".

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Публикация от Moustache Farmer/Joar Berge🌱 (@moustache_farmer)
