Aussie Claims He Has Proof That 'Aliens' Are Real – Video

Sightings of UFOs have increased during the coronavirus pandemic, which experts say can be attributed to people spending more time in rural areas and seeing things they never noticed before. However, Dr Roger Stankovic, the Australia and New Zealand director of the Mutual UFO Network, says up to 10 percent of sightings have no logical explanation.

An Australian man claims he has proof that aliens exist and even posted a video of what he believes is a spaceship of an extraterrestrial civilisation. George Сsere told local media he was flying a drone in the Gold Coast, Queensland when it suddenly fell down "as though it had hit a wall". The "collision" was accompanied by an incredibly loud bang, Csere said.

After taking the drone home, he reviewed the footage it captured and noticed an "unknown large object" the size of a car. After examining the video several times, Csere said he came to the conclusion that the drone had hit a UFO.

The video he posted online shows a round object hovering in the sky. Csere claims that under place where the mysterious object was spotted there is a perfectly round waterhole with no algae "indicating that it gets disturbed by something".

Social media users, however, did not appreciate Csere's investigative skills. The majority contended that the bizarre object was not an extraterrestrial ship.

"The object that hit the drone clearly has come from above - typical of eagles and many other predatory birds and has nothing to do with the shadow/water hole/fictitious object", wrote one netizen.
Another said: "looks like another drone".

Although there were users who sided with George Csere.

"I've seen this, [it] flew past over my backyard up about 100 ft at night, no lights and very silent about 3 weeks ago, there was a slight moonlight and I'm always looking up into the sky when I'm out having a smoke", wrote one user.