A man sees 1,000 penguins in the middle of the road so he picks them up and puts them in his van. As he's driving around, a policeman stops him and asks him why he has 1,000 penguins in the back of his van and the man explains that he found them but doesn't know what to do with them. "Take them to the zoo," the policeman explains. The next day the policeman see the same man driving round with 1,000 penguins in the back of the van. "I thought I told you to take them to the zoo," the policeman says. "You did - and thanks for your suggestions," answers the man, adding: "I took them to the zoo as you advised but they didn't seem very interested. So, today I've decided to take them to the cinema."
The story's an old one but it's hard not to think of when seeing this little troupe of penguin chicks trying (and hilariously failing) to keep in step as they go for a little march. Perhaps they've heard that a lot of places are beginning to come out of lockdown and they're looking for a pub or museum to visit. Whatever the purpose of their outing, we bet watching these tiny creatures struggling to catch up with an adult of their species will pour a small dollop everyday happiness onto your life.