Representative Taylor Greene Appears to 'Demand' Answers on Fauci, COVID Origin by Non-Existent Date

After over 3,000 old emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US immunologist, were released, he met criticism from some who suggested that, at the beginning of the pandemic, he "lied" about the coronavirus and allegedly made false statements about COVID treatments and mask wearing, among other things.

GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene got roasted after revealing that she wrote a letter to US President Joe Biden demanding an investigation into the origin of coronavirus and saying that Dr. Anthony Fauci "deserves to be held accountable". 

"Today, I sent this letter to Joe Biden to demand an immediate investigation into Anthony Fauci’s lies and his potential involvement in the cover up of the origins of the China virus", Taylor Greene tweeted. "The American people deserve answers on the Wuhan lab & Fauci deserves to be held accountable!"

However, it wasn't mainly the unlikely demands she made, but rather the deadline that she set for fulfilling her demands. The problem was that she requested "answers" to her demands be provided by the Biden administration by 31 June - a date that, according to the Gregorian calendar, is unlikely to ever come.

​Comments that Taylor Greene's tweet generated were brimming with sarcasm and jokes, with users mocking her for failing to proof-read her own letter to a US president.

​Some delightfully evolved an "alternative calendar", saying that right after the White House responds to Taylor Greene on 31 June, the former US president, Donald Trump, would be reinstated in office the next day.

​The non-existent date was not the only thing that the representative was lambasted for.

​Taylor Greene's demands, though unlikely to be fulfilled in the way she requests, come amid a Republican backlash against the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose emails dating back to the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic were released earlier in the week. In the messages, Fauci appears to discuss COVID treatments and the necessity of wearing masks. Responding to criticism, Fauci said that the emails were taken out of context.

Criticism that Fauci faced over the emails coincided with heated debate over the origins of COVID-19, with clashes between the proponents of two different theories - one stating that the coronavirus emerged through animal contact and the other suggesting that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory.
