Time to Call Ghost Busters: Discarded Frog Skin Eerily Oscillates in Water

Shedding is common among amphibians, which rely on their skin as an organ to absorb oxygen and regulate their temperature. They slough it off after their old skin becomes too dry and, interestingly, they often eat their discarded "attire".

Just like many other croakers, this albino African clawed frog named Boba sheds its old skin. The amphibian pet has been filmed in the middle of this fascinating, albeit a little bit disturbing, process. Its translucent "jacket" was eerily wavering in the water of its tank, appearing to look like Boba's ghost.

"It looks like a ghost or a wacky waving inflatable tube guy! It’s creepy, but also cool!" remarked the frog's owner in the description of the video, uploaded on YouTube.