Never Come Back: Jeff Bezos and 7 Other People Who Earned a Place on a One-Way Journey to Space

Let’s be honest – it would be much easier to lock our candidates in a cell and throw away the key or encase their feet in concrete and drop them into the Pacific Ocean. But we are not any freaking Mafiosi (finger purse)! And since humanity is attempting to colonise space, why not conduct a few maiden flights?

At the beginning of June world’s richest person Jeff Bezos revealed his plans to fly to space with his brother on board the rocket his space company Blue Origin has developed.

The internet quickly responded by creating a petition in a bid to stop him from returning to Earth (money can’t buy you love, Jeff).

But what about other candidates for a one-way cosmic trip?

  • Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez

​What do you mean why? For knowing the secret to eternal youth and not sharing it!

  • JK Rowling for killing Severus Snape…
Never Come Back: Jeff Bezos and 7 Other People Who Earned a Place on a One-Way Journey to Space

…after all this time, it still HURTS.

  • And while we’re at it, book a seat for Director James Cameron. Sir, there was enough space for Jack on that raft!
  • ​The person who invented the most hated device... the alarm clock:
  • ​​​The man behind the crocs clogs for making them look so lousy...

​​…but sooo comfortable!

  • And the person who came up with Hawaiian pizza…
Never Come Back: Jeff Bezos and 7 Other People Who Earned a Place on a One-Way Journey to Space

…your seat is next to the bloke who devised the alarm clock!
