
3,000-Year-Old Mystery: Secrets of Egyptian Mummy to Be Revealed


The personality of Ankhekhonsu, an ancient Egyptian priest, has been surrounded by mysteries for ages. But a group of Italian scientists is going to shed some light on his life and death through the use of modern technology.

Earlier this week, the mummy of Ankhekhonsu was transferred from Bergamo's Civic Archaeological Museum to Milan's Policlinico hospital, where it underwent a CT scan. The research will help scientists get a closer look at how burial customs were organised almost 3,000 years ago, and which products were used to mummify the body.

Sputnik has selected several pictures showing how scientists scanned the mummy and what the nearly 3,000-year-old body looks like.

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The scientists is researching the mummy of a man called Ankhekhonsu, who served as a priest. The more researches learn about the body, the more we know about the ancient Egypt.

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Medical radiology technicians and researchers look at a computer screen as an Egyptian mummy undergoes a CT scan.
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An Egyptian mummy is seen next to its coffin at the Civic Archaeological Museum of Bergamo.
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A group of researches are planning to reconstruct the life and death of the priest.
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Which kinds of products were used to mummify the body? - That is one of the main research goals.
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An Egyptian mummy undergoes a CT scan in order for researchers to investigate its history, at the Policlinico hospital in Milan.
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Studying ancient diseases is also a part of the research
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A medical radiology technician prepares a CT scan to do a radiological examination of an Egyptian mummy.