Doggo Desperately Tries to Fit Stick Through Doorway

This lovely golden boy has found a stick he really likes, but his perception of distance has deceived him and he can't work out why the door won't let him bring it inside.
Dogs are capable of all sorts of clever things and retrievers are among the cleverest. However, when it comes to logic, there's something a bit lacking as can be seen with this happy chappy. All the golden retriever wants is to play fetch a little bit, but it looks as though his stick is way too big! The canine can't get the stick through the door, despite repeated efforts to get it through - but still no luck. All its owner can do is to stand inside laughing. Still, things could be worse - the dog and owner could be in the park while the canine misjudged how far the end of the stick was from the owner's legs. The owner wouldn't be laughing then...