Benjamin Button? Twitter Users Wonder at New Photo of Trump Looking Suspiciously Young

Political activity is known to be stressful, unless, apparently, you are Donald Trump. Looking at a new photo of the former president, one might think that his version of governing is good for him.
A recent photo of the former US president tweeted by Pennsylvania Senate GOP candidate Sean Parnell appears to show Trump looking younger than ever.
Users took to Twitter to share their own versions of how the ex commander-in-chief is keeping up a good shape - from taking up an ordinary healthy lifestyle to using photoshop and fillers.
Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of Donald Trump, shared a photo on his Instagram page, expressing his personal opinion on the apparent physical transformation of his father.

“There’s some truth to this. He takes the stress and it fuels him, and in all fairness he took more crap than any other president times about 1000. Others can’t handle it and they age 20 years overnight,” said Donald Trump Jr.

One might think that Trump's fresh look is a serious claim to victory in the 2024 elections.