Unlimited Power? Calm Winds Force UK to Revive Coal Power Plant Amid Energy Shortage, Report Says

It seems that Britons have yet another reason to complain about the notorious climate on the island - and this time, it has cost them dearly.
Wind turbines, erected across the UK, have not created as much power as usual amid extremely calm weather, The Independent reported. To balance the energy, National Grid ESO had to ask the EDF to fire up two coal-fired units at the West Burton A station in Lincolnshire on Monday.

"In balancing the electricity system, we take actions in economical order and not on the basis of generation type... Depending on system conditions, some power sources may be better at meeting a balancing requirement than others – so the most cost-effective solution to ensure safe, secure system operation will be sought", a National Grid spokesman noted.

This means that the company (which describes itself as Britain’s biggest generator of zero-carbon electricity) has had to revive one of the two last coal power plants in the country - which are both scheduled to be closed in September 2024.
The forced step resulted in coal providing three percent of the national power, according to the National Grid, the report added.
Following the news, many Britons mocked the proponents of green energy.