9/11: 20 Years Later

'Media Clowns Are a Joke': CNN Host Flayed For Quoting Claim US Leaders Were 'In the Bunker' on 9/11

AP’s story on 7 September hailed the “Big 3” network anchors Tom Brokaw (NBC News), Peter Jennings (ABC) and Dan Rather (CBS) as having “guided Americans” through the horrors of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 while the “political leadership was largely silent”.
CNN's TV host Brian Stelter has unleashed a torrent of criticism for tweeting a story from the Associated Press claiming network TV anchors were "the closest thing that America had to national leaders on 9/11".
"Most Americans were guided through the unimaginable by one of three anchors: Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Peter Jennings of ABC and Dan Rather of CBS," AP’s David Bauder had written on September 7th.
In his Twitter post, made on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Stelter added that "political leaders were in bunkers or otherwise out of sight" during the terror attacks, which occurred 20 years ago on Saturday.
The host of the CNN programme Reliable Sources immediately came under a barrage of criticism, with conservative columnist Meghan McCain reminding him of the heroic feats of first responders, and hailing the decisive leadership of former President George W. Bush.
Some on social media lambasted the TV host for drawing attention to himself on a day of remembrance.
In his defence, Stelter reminded that he was simply quoting the piece he shared.
However, tweeps insisted that retweeting meant a form of endorsement.
Others shared the TV anchor’s stance.