Nicaraguan Opposition Activist Severely Injured in Shooting Attack in Costa Rica, Reports Say

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Nicaraguan opposition activist and one of the founders of the Nicaraguan Exile Unit (UEN) Joao Maldonado is in critical condition after sustaining gunshot injuries in Costa Rica, news media reported.
The political activist was injured on Saturday when two motorcyclists opened fire on Maldonado's car as he drove through his neighborhood in Costa Rica, where he has been living since 2018, the Confidencial Nicaragua newspaper reported on Sunday, citing the UEN.
Maldonado sustained four gunshot wounds and underwent surgery, the newspaper added.
The activist had been organising a demonstration against the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega in Costa Rica's capital of San Jose before the incident.
Maldonado sought refuge in neighbouring Costa Rica after participating in the demonstrations against Ortega's government back in 2018.