A Sigh That Tells It All: Golden Retriever Wants Attention

From time to time, we all experience moments when we urgently need somebody's attention and care or at least a good company, a pleasant conversation...
A video has been doing the rounds on Instagram, showing a golden retriever sitting on the floor near a visitor in a cafe (who is captioned 'complete stranger') and waiting for this person to pay attention to him.
As if trying to be more noticeable to this woman, the dog makes a sigh and immediately gets petted.
One viewer added an extended comment below the video and it seems to be really the case with this dog:
"This is what my golden does everywhere we go to places with people, she always seems to find the people that are having the worst day and need some love in their life. Dogs are angels, and they communicate in ways none of us will ever know."
Would you agree with that?