
China Curbs 'Not Medically Necessary' Abortions

Last year, only 12 million births were recorded in China, a record-low number according to AFP.
Chinese authorities are seeking to decrease the number of a particular kind of abortions in the country.
According to AFP, new guidelines released by China's cabinet on Monday call for better standards of women's health, awareness of contraception, and improved sexual health.
The regulations advise healthcare professionals to "promote pre-marital medical examinations, pre-pregnancy health check-ups" and "reduce abortions that are not medically necessary."
The media outlet points out that this development comes after a record-low number of babies were born in China last year, with only 12 million births recorded in the country in 2020.
In 2016, Beijing eased the so-called “one-child policy” by allowing couples to have two children, while in 2021 this restriction was relaxed further as families were allowed to have up to three children.