Book Claims Trump Believed Canadian PM Trudeau's Mom Slept With 'All of the Rolling Stones'

'I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House' is expected to hit the stores on October 5. This passage of the book covers Trump's comparatively tranquil first weeks in 2020, before the COVID-19 epidemic turned the world on its head.
Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham claims in her upcoming tell-all memoir that then-US President Donald Trump once accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret of sleeping with all members of the Rolling Stones rock band.
In a fresh book excerpt released on Friday by Politico, Grisham said Trump made the remark about former Canadian First Lady Margaret Trudeau to Grisham on an Air Force One flight, however, she did not indicate when exactly the specified events occurred.
"Once, on Air Force One, I was sitting with him in his cabin, and for whatever reason — maybe he had just read something or seen his face on TV — Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau popped into the president’s head. Trump looked at me," Grisham wrote in her book.
Looking at his press secretary, Trump reportedly asked her if she was OK with him saying "this." Grisham claimed that such a question was "always troubling" for her, since no one could predict what Trump was about to say.

"Trudeau’s mom. She f*cked all of the Rolling Stones."

Donald Trump
Former US President
Margaret Trudeau has denied having affairs with any of the Rolling Stones, according to multiple reports. "I should have slept with every single one of them," she reportedly said at a mental health conference some time after the rumors.
Interestingly, according to contemporary UK media reports, Mick Jagger, the frontman of the Rolling Stones, later claimed that she was a "very sick girl in search of something. She found it - but not with me. I wouldn't go near her with a barge pole."
However, Margaret Trudeau was indeed at the Stones concert in Toronto in 1977, as she was reportedly noticed riding in a limo with the band.
And in a 2016 Harper's Bazaar feature, Margaret Trudeau described hosting the rockers in her hotel suite after the event, talking and "smoking dope."
"It was a good night, and it was my new world. But no one knew I was separated from my husband yet, and it brought a huge scandal," she told the outlet.
Trudeau is the ex-wife of Pierre Trudeau, the current prime minister's father and Canada's 15th prime minister. They divorced in 1984 after agreeing to split in 1977.
"I spent the night with the Rolling Stones, no question, but it was certainly not Mick Jagger. And that's all we'll say about that," Trudeau playfully noted.
If Margaret then did not spend time with Jagger, Harper's Bazaar surmised that it was the band's guitarist, Ronnie Wood, who allegedly said in his memoirs that he "had a wonderful time and her husband's name never came up."
Since leaving Trudeau, Margaret has worked as an actress, author, photographer, and mental health advocate.
Grisham's book purportedly reveals many inside stories of the Trump-era White House, including the political activity of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and the personal habits and private behavior of the president himself.
The former president has already criticized his former employee in this week's statement, saying she "had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things."