Russian Military Successfully Test-Fires Zircon Hypersonic Missile From Nuclear Submarine

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian Navy has successfully test-fired a Zircon hypersonic missile from a nuclear submarine at a conditional target in the Barents Sea, the Defence Ministry said on 4 October.
"The Russian Navy carried out the first tests of the Zircon hypersonic missile from the nuclear submarine Severodvinsk. The missile was test-fired at a conditional sea target in the Barents Sea", the ministry said in a statement.
Objective control data shows that the missile hit its target.
Video: Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov Launches Zircon Hypersonic Anti-Ship Missile in Latest Test
"The test-firing of the Zircon missile from the nuclear submarine was recognised [as] successful", the Russian Defence Ministry added.