WATCH LIVE: Facebook Whistleblower Testifies Before US Senate Day After Global Blackout

Over the past few weeks, Frances Haugen, a former product manager at Facebook, has shared thousands of pages of a corporate inquiry suggesting that the tech giant had hidden evidence and lied about the platform's role in in spreading harmful information.
Whistleblower Frances Haugen is testifying before Congress, a day after Facebook and its family of apps experienced an unprecedented global outage.
Documents released by Haugen show that Facebook is aware that the platform has inflicted harm on the mental health of teens.
In her opening statement, which was released to the public in advance, Haugen says: "We're here today because of deliberate choices Facebook has made."
"I know Facebook has infinite resources, which it could use to destroy me," she says, urging Congress to change the rules that Facebook "plays by and stop the harm it is causing".
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Haugen publicly revealed herself to be the Facebook whistleblower on CBS's latest '60 Minutes' show on Monday night.
On Monday, Facebook suffered one of the worst outages in the company's history that led to the tech giant's other major social networking platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger to go down for several hours too. Facebook explained that the problem was caused by a faulty update that was sent to their core servers which in effect disconnected them from the internet.