NYC Mayor De Blasio Booed at Columbus Day Parade - Reports

Every Columbus Day, New Yorkers celebrate the legacy of Italians and Italian Americans in the US, marking the anniversary of when the famous 15th-century Italian explorer ’discovered’ the New World.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is himself of Italian origin, was not warmly received at Monday’s Columbus Day Parade.
The politician shared his support for the celebrations on Twitter, honoring his grandparents who moved to the United States and contributed to its prosperity, like many other Italians.
According to social media reports, however, New Yorkers who attended the parade, traditionally held in Manhattan, met him with a barrage of insults, including rather obscene comments.
“F*ck you, you piece of sh*t” and “You piece of garbage“ were just some among the many.
A local resident reportedly shared with media that her disgust for the NYC mayor was triggered by his incompetent policies.

“I love my New York people. I love my blue. I’m tired of the crime. I’m tired of him dividing people. He can go to godd*mn hell,” the woman told the newspaper.

Ironically, de Blasio was NOT invited to last year’s parade, as the local Italian community reportedly isnt happy with the mayor. This year, the Columbus Citizens Foundation said the mayor was ”absolutely welcome”— which turned out not to be the case, given the boos and the heckles.
Disgraced ex-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who stepped down this summer over sexual harassment revelations, was also ”certainly welcome to join”, the New York Post reported.