Russian Deputy Prime Minister: Nord Stream 2 Technically-Wise Is Ready to Be Launched in Coming Days

On 10 September, Russia's Gazprom announced that the Nord Stream 2 project was completed.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that Nord Stream 2 was technically ready to be launched in the coming days, but needed certification.
"In the coming days, the operation of it can be launched, but in this case Nord stream 2 AG needs to receive certification and that will depend on the German watchdog and others," Novak said at panel at the Russian Energy Week, currently held in Moscow.
The commercial supplies via the pipeline can be launched once the certification is approved, the prime minister added.
Nord Stream 2 had been completed in September. Gazprom is currently working on obtaining the certification to start gas supplies and conducting test runs to ensure the pipeline is ready to pump gas. Moscow has stressed multiple times that the agreement on gas transit to Europe through Ukraine will remain in force until the end date, and even after its completion, Russia does not plan to abandon the Ukrainian transit.
Nord Stream 2 is a joint venture of Gazprom, Royal Dutch Shell, OMV, Engie, Uniper, and Wintershall. The project is designed to carry natural gas from Russia to Germany beneath the Baltic Sea.