Tweets Suggest Biden Should Put ‘Time for Nap’ Sign on His Back as POTUS Ignores Press

Both reporters and social media users have been commenting that they see more of President Joe Biden's back than his front due to his growing unwillingness to take questions from the press.
US President Joe Biden appears to have developed a habit of turning his back on the press after he's recited prepared comments. During the latest occasion, having uttered some words about his response to the COVID-19 pandemic he bolted for the door as a chorus of reporters shouted "Mr. president."
On 13 October, Biden once again trotted away without taking questions from the press as he finished speaking about logjams plaguing the Global Transportation Supply Chain.
On 8 October, Joe Biden repeated his disappearing trick following his remarks on the bleak September jobs report.
Twitter users were quick to respond to the president’s new trend, wondering whether he should just put a sign on his back saying, "Time for nap."