Elon Musk Wins Approval to Dig Citywide Vegas Tunnel System

A company headed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk was given the greenlight by local officiavls on Wednesday to build a 29-mile tunnel system beneath the Las Vegas strip
Confirmed in a Twitter post, the Clark County Commission unanimously approved a special use permit for The Boring Company’s Vegas Loop. The initial plans to expand the system will consist of drilling an underground motorway that could one day also link the city's international airport and downtown casino mall.
The 51-station tunnel system will allow up to 57,000 passengers to commute underground in Tesla vehicles to and from casinos every hour.
Each of the planned 51 stops will require separate land use permits before being constructed, according to The Las Vegas Journal Review.
The SpaceX founder’s Boring Company recently completed construction of a 1.7-mile network of tunnels that operates a smaller version of the ‘Vegas Loop’ system underneath the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Las Vegas Convention and Tourism Authority chief Steve Hill said it could cost up to $1 billion to build and will be privately funded.
The billionaire entrepreneur has offered the tunnel system as a solution for congested city traffic in thegambling capital of the world.

“Tunnels minimize the usage of valuable surface land and do not conflict with existing transportation systems. A large network of tunnels can alleviate congestion in any city; no matter how large a city grows, more levels of tunnels can be added,” the company says on its website.
