Updated US Hate Crime Data for 2020 Shows Highest Incident Levels Since 2001 - FBI

WASHINGTON, October 25 (Sputnik) - The FBI released updated 2020 hate crime statistics on Monday, which reported 8,263 total criminal hate crime incidents – the highest level since 2001.
"Today the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program released amended 2020 hate crime statistics about bias-motivated incidents throughout the nation… Law enforcement agencies submitted incident reports involving 8,263 criminal incidents and 11,129 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity," the FBI said.
Hate crime incidents in the US spiked to 9,730 cases in 2001 following the September 11 terror attacks. The 2020 data previously stood at 7,759, which was the highest number since 2008. The updated figure reflects an increase of over 500 incidents from the earlier statistics released in August, which had technical issues with some data from Ohio.
There were 8,052 single-bias and 211 multi-bias hate crime incidents in 2020, according to the updated FBI data. Anti-Black crimes were the largest incident bias category at 2,871 incidents, followed by 869 anti-White incidents and 683 anti-Jewish incidents.
Anti-Asian hate crime incidents increased significantly from 161 in 2019 to 279 incidents in 2020, the FBI data showed. Intimidation accounted for the greatest portion of the hate crime incidents at 4,381 cases, followed by property damage or vandalism at 2,433 cases, and simple assault at 2,197 cases.