"Scientists now have an additional tool to study the universe, along with cosmic rays, neutrinos and electromagnetic radiation in a wide wavelength range. Very quickly, scientists began to use this tool to confirm or refute models describing different stages in the life of the universe", he said.
"Let's imagine that the universe is filled with a hypothetical field. Its potential energy (potential) depends on the magnitude of that field. No one knows the shape of this potential. However, if we assume that it has two minima, it may turn out that due to fluctuations of the early expanding Universe in some part of space, the field will jump over the ‘hill maximum’ and roll to a minimum. As we know, all energy goes to a minimum in the presence of friction. That is the main space tends to one minimum, and in a small region, it tends to another. And this small area is surrounded by a closed domain wall, which can collapse into a black hole", Sergei Rubin commented.
"The most interesting thing is what happens to these clusters afterwards. Clearly, the region that went over the maximum first will have the largest mass. We do not know exactly what the mass distribution of black holes will be. This and the subsequent dynamics depend on the model parameters and initial conditions. Once the primordial black holes have formed, they start interacting with each other, colliding, merging. Moreover, those black holes, which were on the periphery, begin to be captured by the general expansion of space and fly away from the cluster forever. That is, the clusters begin to live their own inner life, boiling in the 'soup' of the early universe", Sergei Rubin explained.