Feeling Sleepy Again? Biden Struggles to Keep Eyes Open at Climate Summit in Glasgow – Video

In August, a video showing Biden appearing to nod off during a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett provoked a debate about his capacity to stay awake.
Day two of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow is underway and world leaders are listening to delegates speak on a number of issues. However, judging by the reaction of US President Joe Biden, these speeches appear to be a little boring. Is he catching Zs or simply deep in thought?
Last year, former US President Donald Trump – who developed a habit of giving his political rivals nicknames – christened Biden "Sleepy Joe" during the presidential campaign, and the moniker stuck.
Biden's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in August contributed to his dozy image after he was filmed with his heads hung low for a few moments during a joint press conference in the White House.