UK Police Arrest Insulate Britain Activists Who Tried to Block Key M25 Junction - Video

Insulate Britain activists, who are promoting the government-backed insulation of all social housing for the purpose of saving energy and reducing the impact on the climate, have been blocking roads in the UK since September 2021.
Police have arrested 12 activists from the Insulate Britain movement after they tried to block a road near junction 23 (Bignells Corner) on the M25 London Orbital Motorway that encircles Greater London. Videos of their detention surfaced on social media. Videos of their detention have since surfaced on social media.
Law enforcement officers were seen carrying away some of the protesters who apparently refused to leave voluntarily.
"Officers are at the scene and working to resolve the disruption as quickly as possible", Hertfordshire Police reported.
One of the protesters arrested told the British media outlet LBC that they did not have a chance to actually block the road because the police were already at the scene when they arrived. Another protester told the media that he plans to continue to defy an earlier High Court injunction, which legally prohibited Insulate Britain from blocking roads as a mean of delivering their message.
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The Insulate Britain movement is demanding that the government refurbish all social housing and subsequently all homes to have insulation as a way of combating climate change. Climate experts believe that insulating homes will reduce families' energy bills and consumption, thus reducing the country's carbon emissions into the atmosphere.