UK Road-Blocking Climate Protesters Face Two Years in Prison

LONDON (Sputnik) – At least 32 activists from an environmental movement demanding the UK government to insulate and retrofit homes to tackle climate change could be sentenced to up to two years in prison for openly defying court injunctions banning them from disrupting traffic, the Insulate Britain group said on Wednesday.
According to the press release, nine protesters have been summoned to appear at the London High Court on 16 November and a further 23 are expected to be summoned to court in the coming days.
If found guilty, they could be subject to unlimited fines, seizure of assets and prison terms of up to two years.
Insulate Britain activists block a motorway junction in London
Insulate Britain, which defines itself as a new campaign group, has claimed that 8,500 deaths in an average British winter are the result of cold homes, has been staging sit-down protests on the M25 highway encircling Greater London and other major roads across England since September despite the court issuing four injunctions banning them from the roads.