Only OSCE Observers Can Use Drones in Donbass Conflict Zone, Russian Foreign Ministry Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Only observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have the right to use drones in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday.
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) reported that its patrol team came within an attack range of a drone near a settlement in Donbass on the territory controlled by Kiev. The Ukrainian delegation to the contact group stated that on 6 November, the Ukrainian security forces shot down a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) in the vicinity of this settlement, claiming drone attacks against its positions have intensified over the past few days.
A representative of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic told Sputnik that the drone mentioned in the OSCE SMM report belonged to the Ukrainian armed forces.
"The OSCE observers found themselves in the attack zone of a Ukrainian armed forces drone. The mission said that the explosion hit the ground 20-30 meters [65-95 feet] away from the location of the patrol. I would like to remind everyone that drones in the conflict zone in Donbas can be used only by OSCE monitors," Zakharova said on Telegram.
Kiev's deployment of UAVs in the conflict zone violates the Minsk agreements, she noted, and urged Berlin and Paris to stop ignoring the issue.