Earth to Planet Psaki: Spox Says Biden’s Agenda ‘Quite Popular’ as POTUS’s Approval Rating Tanks

President Joe Biden’s Approval Rating hit a historic new low in a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday, with the survey finding that just 41 percent of Americans approved of the commander-in-chief’s job performance.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had a meme-worthy moment on Monday while talking about the supposed popularity of the president’s agenda despite his plummeting poll numbers, using the word “popular” repeatedly to stress the point.
“We know that the president’s agenda is quite popular, as you noted, and as you can see in the poll, the American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure deal are some of the most popular major pieces of legislation in the last 20 years. The bipartisan infrastructure deal and the Build Back Better agenda are very popular. And on Covid, polling shows that there is support for our vaccine requirements,” Psaki said.
“We know also, and I’ve been doing press communications for some time, I will tell you that you don’t design a communications strategy around infighting within the Democratic Party in Washington. That is not how you typically design it. That has been a necessity in order to get this [infrastructure] legislation done,” the spokeswoman added, referring to the recent battle between loyal Biden allies and the less obedient progressive wing of the Democratic Party, six of whose members voted against the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill last earlier this month after failing to secure nearly $2 trillion in additional spending for the $1.85 trillion Build Back Better bill.
President Biden formally signed the infrastructure bill into law on Monday, stressing that Democrats “compromised” and “reached a consensus” to get it done.
'It's Official, Folks!': Biden Signs $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Into Law
Pro-Trump Republicans, meanwhile, began a witch-hunt against the 13 GOP House lawmakers who signed the infrastructure bill, with Donald Trump himself calling them “sellouts” and “known losers.” The 13 votes proved crucial in getting the bill passed, with the House voting 228 to 206 in support of the spending package on 5 November. The bill received Republican support in the Senate in August, with 19 Republicans led by Trump naysayer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell joining all 48 Democrats and 2 pro-Democratic independents in voting for the bill.
A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday found that President Biden’s overall job approval rating had slipped to 41 percent, with 39 percent approving his handling of the economy as inflation hit a 30-year high in October. 70 percent of those polled said the economy was in rough shape, with 38 percent characterizing it as “poor.”
Only 39% of Americans Approve of Biden’s Handling of Economy - Poll
The polling followed a separate survey coming out of Iowa, one of America’s bellwether states for gauging presidential elections, on Saturday showing Donald Trump beating Joe Biden by 11 points in a hypothetical 2024 matchup, drawing 51 percent support compared to 40 percent for the incumbent.
Trump has hinted about running again in 2024 to get a rematch against Biden after claiming that the Democrats “stole” the 2020 election from him using rigged voting machines and mail-in ballots. Biden has dismissed Trump’s allegations, accusing some of his supporters of being “domestic terrorists,” and no state court has agreed to air his claims.
Trump Beats Biden in Hypothetical Iowa 2024 Matchup, Poll Shows